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Marketing stack proficiency
As more brands integrate customer analytics into their marketing strategies, proficiency across the many tools that support data-driven marketing is increasingly important. That means that a methodical approach should be taken in order to get the most out of these tools to best serve the needs of the business.

How we helped our client improve ROI through optimizing marketing channel attribution
In order to create an effective marketing campaign, your creative and messaging should be intelligently aligned with your customer data and audience outreach. In our latest article, Petram covers a few fundamental data questions you should be asking your team when developing your marketing strategy.

Marketing questions you should be asking your team
When Petram engages with a client, we typically go through a series of discovery questions in order to better understand where their data is coming from, how it is stored, and how they are using it. This allows us (and them) to create a plan for data optimization that will eventually help fuel their marketing decisions. Following are a few things to consider when looking at your own customer and marketing data.

How to use data for highly effective marketing
Most businesses know that marketing is essential to bring in new customers and revenue. As long as there has been something to sell, there have been ideas on how to market that product or service to people. However, ideas aren’t enough any more.